Spring 2022

Tea Room is the gathering of seasonal presents: natural and man-made.

Archive: Tea Room

Spring 2022

Seasonal Presents: Natural 

In Nature all come together as Life.

The Liquidambar Styraciflua (American Sweetgum) tree has brought new buds in the early Spring.

Together with the ball shaped fruits, the tree appears with joy.

Liquidambar Styraciflua

The Robinia Pseudoacacia has brought the beautiful White flowers in the early Spring.

The Light Green color of the leaves together with the White color of the flowers delightfully appears under the Blue sky.

Robinia Pseudoacacia

The Ladybugs are enjoying the morning mist under the Blue sky in the early Spring.


The Yellow Snail joyfully appear after the rain.

The Light color of Yellow shell is fragile as the mist.

 Yellow Snail

The Cherry tree has brought the delicate Pink color of Cherry blossom.

The buds are full of energy to open.

Cherry Blossom

The warm Spring has brought the fresh fruits of the Golden Currant.

The beautiful Yellow flowers have transformed to the delightful Green fruits.

Golden Currant

The delicate Yellow color of the Elderflowers appear with a sense of freshness under the Blue sky.


The delightful Green fruits of the Golden Currant becomes the Yellowish Golden color in the mid Spring.

 Golden Currant

Seasonal Presents: Man-made

The Zebra Cake is to appreciate the harmony in Life.

All the ingredients are brought by Nature.

The Zebra Cake is made with care.

 Zebra Cake

The Raspberry Cheesecake is made to celebrate Life with joy.

The Light Yellow color of the Diplomat cream and the Light Pink color of the  whipped cream bring the a delightful sense to eyes.

Raspberry Cheesecake

The Walnuts Escargot brings a flavorful taste.

It is a gift from Nature that comes with appreciation for Life.

 Walnuts Escargot

The Romanian dessert Cozonac is made to appreciate Life in Spring.

It is made with the care.

The Cozonac with the crown shape appears a delightful sense.

Romanian Cozonac

The Orange Marmalade is made from the local Heirloom Navel Orange.

It has full flavor of the Navel Orange.

It goes well with the Whole Wheat Bread.

Whole Wheat Bread with Marmalade

The Flan made with eggs brings a joyful sense in Spring.

The flowers of the citrus fruit goes well with the Flan to bring Joy while appreciating Life.

  French Flan

The Pască is made to appreciate Life.

The delightful color of the Pască brings the energy of Life.


The Blueberry Sour Cream Cake is made to appreciate Life in Spring.

The berries become more flavorful in the late Spring.

The Blueberry Sour Cream Cake is made with care.

 Blueberry Sour Cream Cake

The Seasonal Presents: Man-made is designed and made by the author.